
When you want to book a newborn photo shoot but CAN’T get to the studio…

When you want to book a newborn photo shoot but CAN’T get to the studio…

I don’t think there are many people around who don’t appreciate these two things: how quickly babies grow and change, and how important photographs are.

Many new parents plan a newborn photo shoot months in advance, others book it at a spur of a moment when the baby is already here.  Others may get a baby shower gift photo shoot voucher from friends or family. Either way, everyone is excited and looks forward to the first ‚proper’ photo shoot for their gorgeous baby. Parents plan how they would like their baby to be posed, dressed on the day and what set up they would like the photographer to prepare for their little bundle of love. A perfect scanario.

However, studio photo shoot sometimes simply is NOT an option.

Sometimes, no matter how much you may wish it is simply impossible to book a studio photo shoot

  • you may have had a difficult delivery and are not fully recovered (mobile) yet
  • you or your partnet may have a health condition that can stop you from accessing a studio
  • you may have another small child (children)
  • you may feel anxious about going out to a strange place (a studio or a home studio
  • any other genuine reasons / concerns

Styled vs Natural

Some people simply do not feel the styled photo shoots with perfectly posed baby, with props and all the other studio accessories are their cup of tea.

Not a problem. There is an alternative.

Instead of you coming to me for a couple of hours, let me come to you.

What will a home based newborn photo shoot look like?

I will be a fly on the wall. As simple as that.

You will be carrying on pretty much as you normally are and I will just capture these precious moments for you.

Baby Kasjusz

Baby Kasjusz was born right when the Beast from the East was engulfing Devon with inches of snow. His mummy and daddy felt really happy staying at home but wanted to have their memories captured as a priceless keepsake for Kasjusz. They invited me to capture some candid, natural, unposed moments of their life of a family of 4. I spent over an hour with this lovely family, have a look how we did 🙂 (these are just a few of the ones that the family will get to keep).


exeter newborn photographer


If you are expecting a baby or have already had one (no matter how old they are really) and the idea of a natural, home based photo shoot appeals to you please drop me a line and I will be happy to help further.

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