Welcome to Aga Kowalska Photography.
THANK YOU for choosing me and trusting your precious new life into my hands. I promise I will look after them the best I can and their wellbeing and safety will be my priority throughout the photo shoot.
I know how daunting and exciting the first moments with the baby can be, and adding a newborn photo shoot to that may seem like a mission impossible. That’s why I have prepared a list of questions that my lovely clients have asked me in the past so that you can read and feel assured that your photo shoot will be a great success and your final products will be of top quality.
How long in advance do we need to book?
I suggest that you book as soon as you have decided that you would like to have a newborn photo shoot, but preferrably around 20 weeks scan.
Why so early?
I only take a very limited number of newborn bookings per week (a maximum of 3) as I wish to give my clients the best service and the best of my skills that I possibly can. Early bookings allow me to manage my diary better, knowing how many babies I am expecting every month but also, it gives me time to source any special props / outfits etc, that you would love me to incorporate in your newborn photo shoot.
How do we book?
Your booking is not confirmed untill a session fee has been paid. I take these via a bank transfer to A Kowalska, 19991268, 30-80-37. Once the money has been received, your booking is confirmed.
When is the best time to have a newborn photo shoot?
I normally work with babies between 5 and 14 days new. By shooting so early I know that they will most probably sleep throughout the whole session, will be naturally curly and flexible and I will be able to create these gorgeous curly poses that you must have seen on my website.
In general, how does a photo shoot look like? What can we expect on the day?
- The photo shoot will be entirely baby-led which means that everything that I do will be in accordance with baby’s routines. Normally a photo shoot takes up to 4 hours, to account for changing, feeding, posing, cuddling, comforting, change of set up, outfits and so on.
- On the day please dress your baby in some loose clothing so that I don’t have to take their clothing over their head.
- Schedule the feed just before coming to me or you are more then welcome to feed at mine.
- As soon as you come in, I will take over so you can just relax, read a book, have a snooze or watch me have an amazing time posing and photographing your baby
- I normally prepare 4-5 different set ups (following a consultation with you) so I will aim to create a diversified gallery of at least 25 – 35 images. If I am confident that I have enough material to create a beautiful gallery, we may be able to finish much quicker.
What do we need to bring?
- For the baby – please bring a spare set of clothing, plenty of food (if formula fed), a couple of nappies and a dummy. Please note: even if you are no keen on using a dummy in general, I advise using one in the photo shoot, as it will help soothe the baby better and we may be able to progress and finish much quicker. I assure you that using the dummy for several minutes in the photo shoot (I remove them as soon as the baby is content) will NOT impact adversely on breast or bottle feeding. I use a specialist brand of dummies used in neonatal wards and they are 100% amatomically designed not to interefere with feeding. I do offer these for sale for additional £8 fee – I order them from America as this is the only brand I can 100% voucher for).
- For yourself – snacks (water, tea and coffee will be provided), a book or a magazine to read, headphones if you wish to listen to music, or anything else you wish to keep yourself busy with. Also, bring a change of clothes as accidents happen more often that you may think as your baby will be posed naked in some photos.
What can we do to help our baby settle (and pose) better?
As I said before, the dummy helps tremendously. Feeding on demand (even if you are following a routine) also helps the baby to settle better. Remember that they will be in a new place, with a new person so they may behave differently and need comfort (i.e. food) more frequently than at home. By recognising and meeting their needs, again I can proceed with the shooting and make sure they are as happy as possible.
Also, you being relaxed and happy is equally important. Babies sense your emotions so when you arrive just have a cuppa and let me take over.
Can we have photos with the baby?
Of course! I always encourage parents to be in the photo, even though I understand the first few weeks with the newborn can be tiring and you may not feel 100%. Your baby will absolutely adore seeing how tiny they were in your hands and these images will be absolutely priceless.
Can we bring our special items?
More than that – I encourage you to do that! I particularly love when parents bring either special items that mean a lot to them (like a blanket that grandma knitted or a teddy bear that mummy used to cuddle when she was little) but also things associated with your careers, interestes and hobbies. Let’s make it even more special and personal
Are siblings and pets allowed?
Yes. Please let me know in advance that you are bringing either so that I can prepare particular outfits and set ups. I always start with family / siblings shots so that once we are done, siblings can be taken for a walk or to the park by one parent (usually dad) and not get bored whilst I am focusing on their new baby brother or sister.
Who can come to the photo shoot?
I work in a converted loft studio and the space is quite limited, thereofore I ask that a maximum of 2 adults (preferrably parents) attend. If you are keen to include other family members such as grandparents in the photo shoot, I am happy to offer an additional family photo shoot to accommodate them.
How do we ourselves prepare for the photo shoot? What do we need to wear?
The most imporant thing is – try to be relaxed and happy.
Please bring some plain clothing – such as a white or black strappy top or another plain (natural colour) garment that you feel comfortable in. Just remember that you will be posing for images that will be trasured for years, so remember to either remove completely or fix your nail varnish etc.
If your parnet feels like, he is welcome to get some skin to skin with the baby whilst we are taking the photos. It is a great way of documenting the bond between the baby and the dad. If he would prefer to stay dressed throughout the shoot, a plain (blue, grey, white, black) t-shirt or shirt will work best. Please make sure the garments are ironed, with no logos or harsh patterns.
We are expecting a rainbow baby (a baby that is born after a loss). Can you incorporate this into the photo shoot?
I am more than happy to set up a photo shoot which will be a tribute to the siblings that have grown wings and a celebration of new life at the time time. You are welcome to bring any photos or other important items associated with the siblings, or we can just create a set up with a rainbow theme.
We just want natural unposed photos without any props
Some people do choose to have a natural photo shoot, with the baby just as they are, with minimum posing or direction. I am happy to schedule a so called 'lifestyle newborn photo shoot’ in the comfort of your home. You can read more about it here.
Is there anything else we need to know before we come to the photo shoot?
I kindly ask that you refrain yourselves from taking photos or videos during the photo shoot. You are hiring me to do that for you. You just sit back and relax.Please note: if you decide to take your own photos despite my request, sadly I will be forced to stop the photo shoot, delete all images and retain the session fee.
- Please arrive on time as apart from being a photographer I am also a mum and wife, so I often have other commitments around my work ones. I sometimes have other sessions booked on the same day so I may be unable to extend your session time if you are late.
- If your little one (older siblings) are poorly please let me know in advance – depending on their ailment we may need to discuss options, to protect you, your baby, but also me, my family and other clients.
- If you bring siblings you will be solely responsible for their safety and any damage caused by them will need to be paid for.
My head is boiling with ideas and set ups that I would love to try in my work, however it is always about YOU and what YOU will love most. I want to hear what you like, what your taste and home decor is like so that I can create images that will compliment your home beautifully. After we have finished our work together you will take home a selection of images and photographic products such as wall art, prints or albums so I want to make sure they are exactly what you want to be looking at every day
Please take some time to fill out this little questionaire to let me get to know you better