
How much does ONE photo cost and why SOO much?

I am incredibly lucky to work with clients who understand exactly how much work and talent is required to create bespoke and unique images. They are happy to invest in their memories and trust me to deliver the highest standard of service, from the first message, to the last contact after after delivering their bespoke artwork.

Recently, in reply to my price list I received a message that read; „Oh my God, how much?????” (yes, with 5 question marks). I started explaining myself but gave up disenheartened. I was really upset and disappointed that my potential clients can’t see and don’t know what ‚hiring a professional photographer’ actually means. It really worries me that there might be people out there who feel they are being ripped off by professional photograhers charging their prices. And I feel I need to defend myself, my prices and my industry.

A story of ONE photo

I recently shared a gorgeous image of my pregnant client. I also showed the raw (unedited) image to a fellow photographer who replied: „Aga, you should share it on your website to show people how much work has gone into editing as people will not be aware”. She then triggered a thought that has led me to writing this blog post. About just ONE photo.

What the customer thinks

By ‚customer’ I mean someone that has never had a professional photo shoot hence hasn’t had a chance to observe a photographer working. By no means do I mean the customer pictured – she has had photo shoots before and she was totally aware of what she was investing in and why it costs what it costs. (By the way, she is an absolutely amazing woman and our photo shoot was like a catch up over coffee, where we had a lot of fun sharing our stories. Honestly, what an incredible woman!)

When a customer looks at an image they think

„She picks up a camera, switches the light on, tells the client to smile, snaps, uploads to a computer, does a few bits and bobs in photoshop and cashes £100 an hour for that:

What actually happens

Before the photo shoot I chat to the customer to find out what they want (time – the  most expensive ‚commodity’ these days)

Before I start working with clients, I become officially registered as a photographer, pay taxes, national insurance, public liability insurance, professional bodies membership

On the day, I prepare the studio – It is a loft in my house which is decorated, heated up, cleared up and ready to be used.

I welcome the customer.

I let her wear the dress (which cost £90).

I set the light (I bought the lamp £250, the trigger £30, the stand £40  and I need to know how* to use them).

I switch the camera on (needed to buy the camera £1100, the lens £700, the battery £20, the SD card £20 and I need to know how* to use them).

I pose the client (I need to know how*)

I take a photo (I needed to know how*)

I take another 100 images (need to make sure they are different, flattering, sharp, properly lit – again, need to know how* to do these things)

I import the images to my PC (£1000) (need a legal software – £10 per month- to do that)

I edit the images (I need to know how*)

*’I need to know how’

means that I possess ‚professional knowledge’ which differentiates me from anyone else who has got nothing to do with photography. I have had to attend a workshop (£400 – £700 each), study online (£100+ per single session), do self study, trial and error etc. I have been constantly learing for the last 3 years.

It’s like being a hairdresser – you don’t just need scissors. You need to know HOW to use them. When you go to a haidresser you are happy to pay £50-£100 for your haircut and service, even though you can get a pair of hairdressing scissors in Boots for £10 – £20. ( In fact, I know that proper professional scissors cost around £800 – £900). You pay for someone with professional knowledge and talent to do their job properly.

At this point I have already spent at least £5000 to take this ONE photo

I know you will say: „But you will use the same equipment to create other people’s images”

Yes, but without spending at least £5000 (I would say more like £10000 in the last 2 years) I wouldn’t have been able to create THIS image.

I need KNOWLEDGE to make my models look awesome. To know how to accentuate their assets, how to make their skin glow, their eyes sparkle and this irritating spot on their chin to disappear. I spent years and ££££ to acquire this knowledge and my customers are paying me to USE this knowledge to create a work of art. Why does it surprise anyone that I wish to charge for my time, knowledge, skills, talent and the investments that I have made to be at the level that I am now?

I spent 45 minutes editing this photo

Bump to baby exeter

„Whaaat? 45 minutes doing what?”

Exactly – doing things that you don’t even notice that have been changed. But most obviously making the dress look like the model is just about to walk down the red carpet to receive her award. The image that I created is not a documentary image like the one you have taken for your ID or driving licence.

This image is a piece of art. I used my camera, lens, light, graphic tablet and editing software to CREATE a piece of art.

When you are booking a photo shoot you are in  fact hiring an artist. If you asked a painter to paint your portrait would you expect them to charge you £10 (£2 for a piece of paper + £7 for coloured pencils). NO. You would expect to pay a creative fee for their talent. Check out how much Picasso’s last painting was sold for. No, I am not comparing myself to Picasso, but only showing the parallel.

In photography equipment is not enough.

I occasionally ask my husband to take photos with my „expensive camera” (the same that people think ‚takes’ photos 😉 ). And you may assume that they are all fab. Nope. He has zero idea how to set it up and how to direct the people in the photo, so unless I set everything before he presses the shutter, there is no chance for a ‚good photo’.

Having a camera doesn’t make anyone a photographer. It makes them a ‚camera owner’. 😉

Photography is art and art is a luxury. Your memories are priceless and if you wish them to be professionally captured, please do expect a ‚premium’ price tag to come with it.



Aga <3




