Noah: his birth story
Birth photography is still a relatively new and exotic thing for many people. The first associations that come to mind when thinking of this particular situation are possibly not the ones that you would like photographed. Pain, anxiety, tiredness, blood, screaming etc.
But this is just one side of the birth story. The one that quite surprisingly (generally) we forget quite quickly.
There is so much to be told about the day your baby arrived…
There are so many important moments happening in the preparation for the arrival of your baby. It is simply impossible to notice and remember everything as things happen so quickly and emotions are high. That’s where birth photographers can help. As you are focusing on your breathing and tuning your body in to carry on one of the most incredible tasks of all there will be someone to capture all these emotions and vital events. Or even simple details that all make 'the birth story’.
When your baby is a few weeks old and you look at your birth photos you may still get a twitch remembering the painful side of this incredible task that you carried out. But try to imagine how your child will feel when they are 10, 15 or 25 and look back at the images that were taken as they were entering this world.
Think what you would give to be able to see and relive the day YOU were born… My mum told me so many times how tough it was, how she suffered, how anxious she was (NB. My mum already had 12 and 10 year old sons at home and was really really hoping for a girl ;). But I will never get so see how she held me for the first time, how her face changed the moment she heard: 'It’s a girl”, the first time I latched on her boob. There are some things are are simply impossible to tell…
By arranging for a birth photographer to be with you on the day you are giving your child a timeless and priceless gift. When the day comes and they ask: 'Mummy, tell me about the day I was born”. You can then say: „Let me show you”
Noah surprised his family by an earlier than expected arrival. His mummy contacted me on a Sunday afternoon telling me that it’d started. I was out with my kids and I needed to rush back to get all my stuff together. I wouldn’t miss the moment he arrived for the world.
Let me show you how it all happened…
If you are exepecting a baby and would like to discuss your quesries / concerns before you make a decision to employ me to capture your amazing birth story please drop me a message and I will be happy to give you a call.
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