Maternity or Family Photo shoot?
As you are waiting for your family to grow and new addition to join your existing gang you may consider having some photos taken. Many mums choose to have a special maternity photo shoot, be it a styled one in a gorgeous custom made dress or more casual. low key one. Many first time mums book maternity photo shoots to celebrate their changing body: the beauty and incredible powers it has.
Mums with kids often feel they wish the make the most of their photo shoot and include their children to document this journey, as a family. And it’s great as you don’t need to choose one or the other. Having your children with you at the photo shoot is great for so many reasons:
– you are having some valuable time together as a family,
– you are assuring your children that they are important, just as the new baby that you are carrying right now,
– you are capturing a moment in time which will soon perish. You will no longer be a family of three, four or five… Soon there will be PLUS ONE and things will inevitably change,
– your children can celebrate your pregnancy with you – cuddle the bump, talk to baby brother or sister, kiss them..
A happy family of five
Ola is one of my closest friends and one of the dearest supporters of my business. She regularly shares, likes, comments and admires my work. Her support and kindness are totally priceless. Euqually priceless as the fact that she has chosen me already a few times to capture important moments in her family life. Her third pregnancy photos, newborn photo shoot for baby Maria or her christening are just a few occasions that I got to photograph this family. I was super thrilled to be asked yet again to capture them as they are waiting for a new baby boy, who is due this autumn.
Ola, her husband Rafal and kiddos (Laura, Julian and Maria) are the very definition of a 'happy family’. Their home is full of joy, laughter, love and the yummiest food (Rafal is a passionate cook and his food creations are to die for. To illustrate how good let me tell you that my husband prefers his food to mine Yep, that good). Their family / maternity photo shoot was exactly like they are on daily basis. Dynamic, happy, loving, beautiful..
I was thrilled to tell a bit of their family story with photographs. I hope I have raised to the challenge.
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