
Birth Photography Model Call

Dear Mums & Dad’s to be,


As you may know I am a mum of two kids – one is 5 and a half, the other one is 3 and a half. I see them every day, I watch their development and celebrate every success. I focus on their present and future so much that I hardly ever have time to look back. Being a wife, mum, business owner, and holding a few other life roles means that my internal hard drive (aka brain) is sometimes low on memory.

That’s where photos and videos come in handy…

When I had my first daughter in June 2012 my husband took our camcorder and camera – thank God for that. Due to me being all dehydrated, in pain, exhausted, excited, scared and so on, I hardly remember a thing from that long day. Without the photos and videos I would only have the birth certificate (and baby weight) to remind me that I actually gave birth to her.

Back in August 2017…

I had the biggest privilege to photograph a little princess named Aura being born. I spent several hours watching two people turn into parents. For reasons beyond our control, I couldn’t accompany them in the operating theatre, but I managed to photograph the build up, the anticipation and the first moments of them as a family. You can read and see their story here.

Watching this amazing experience made me realize how much I wish someone had photographed my children’s arrival in a beautiful and tasteful day. I bet there are many parents out there who would like their experience kept alive too. In the next few months I will be designing an offer for my clients and in order to get that offer perfect, I would love to build my porfolio up.

Model Call

If you are due to have a baby in February or March and would like your amazing experience photographed by me please read on

Here are some terms and conditions that you would need to accept in writing in order to be considered.

  1. Your pregnancy is a ‚healthy’ one and as far as you are aware there are no concerns for you or the baby that would make my presence an obstacle
  2. You are due to have your baby at home (in Exeter) or at RDE Hospital
  3. You are happy to have your images used on my website and on social media for marketing purposes (written persmission required prior to your baby arriving)
  4. If at any point you retract your permission and choose to have your images private, this will result in an invoice for £500 being sent and it would need to be paid in full (this is the value of the service that you will be receiving)
  5. Due to other work commitments (existing bookings) I am only available to offer this service on specific days / nights and this will be discussed with those interested individually
  6. If your baby arrives on the day that I am unable to attend, unofrtunately this agreement will no longer be in force and I cannot be held liable for non attendance.
  7. In exchange for your permission to use your images for marketing, you will receive at least 50 images via an online transfer and between 3 and 12 hours of my work on the day / night (typical birth story photography packages usually start at around £500)
  8. No graphic images of private parts will be shared with anyone but you, unless you waive your right to keep them private

If you are interested, please either contact me here or by phone 07429229253


All the best,

