The biggest compliment that any client can give to their service provider is to return to them. It works for shops, restaurants, holiday destinations or hairdressers. If you love it, you stick with it and go back to get some more. It is natural to shop around, try different things and generally explore the options and possibilites avaolable, however returning to your 'old’ photographer for some more photos is the biggest 'pat on the should’ you could give them. Honestly. Speaking from experience
„See you again”
After I have completed the editing and hand over all beautiful prints and other products to my clients, I am always thriled to hear 'See you again” or 'We will definitely be back for more”. It feels awesome. It means not only that my clients share the same passion and appreciation for photography, but most importantly that I have done my job well and they will not hesitate to come back. Honestly, the best feeling ever.
Briony and her family
Briony is one of these clients that said 'See you again’ and I couldn’t be happier to see it happen. In March I got to photograph gorgeous Nyah on her own, to mark the special milestone – her first birthday. Despite it being a short mini photo shoot we managed to get an ample gallery of stunnig images of said model. Check some of them out and also one of her newborn images to illustrate what a journey she’s has in a year – from a tiny peanut to a gorgeous toddler.
On the beach
Living in close proximity of so many beautiful beaches it would be rude not to use them as a photography backgroun once in a while. The choice of Exmouth beach for this one is not random though. The family love spending time there and it is generally their 'happy place’. Before we wandered off to the beach, we spent some time in Manor Gardens, where the girls had some fun together.
A timeless gift
Seeing my clients grow and change is such a joy for me. But knowing that this particular photo shoot was also a gift for nan’s special birthday is even more pleasing.
It is sometimes hard to find a gift that will bring lots of joy and will last longer than fresh flowers, a bottle of perfumes or a dinner out. If you are looking for a gift for someone you love and care about and would like to discuss your ideas / expectations please drop me a message here and I will do my best to help.