A few weeks before Baby Toryn was born, his mum sent me a photo of a very special basket that they wished to have included in the photo shoot. The basket has been in the family for years and there is a great piece of history associated with it. Toryn’s paternal great grandfather used to be a very polular baker in the Watford area many years ago. He used to deliver bread to people’s houses and used the said basket for that. It was the parent’s wish that I prepare a set up incorporating this precious keepsake and I honestly couldn’t be happier.
But that’s not the end of an emotional story. On the day, just as I was about to starty posing Toryn into the basket his dad told me that they also wished a blanet to be used somewhere in the set up. It turned out that it was kitted by dad’s grandmother when he was a tiny baby and has been in the family since. Isn’t it just amazing? Have a look…
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when gread granddad sees these images. Such an amazing tribute to him and his story. I couldn’t feel more privileged and happy to be able to create this set up for this family <3
Toryn was a little treasure when it came to posing. He slept happily most of the photo shoot and let me get on with my plan He only woke up at the very end of the photo shoot to have a little look around, only to then fall asleep soundly in his car seat
Thank you little man <3
When Toryn and his parents returned for their viewing 2 weeks after the photo shoot I simply could not believe how much he had changed. I kept looking at him and his images and yet again it dawned to me how volatile and precious these first moments are. Booking a newborn photo shoot is not just a fancy thing – it is most imporantly a way of preserving something that lasts only for a moment. These feet, lips, nose and hands will never be as tiny as they are today…