Tiny baby and his whole new world
Welcoming a new baby into the family brings along a whole plethora of changes and emotions. There is joy, overpowering feeling of love and fulfilment but also surely there is a lot of tiredness, confusion and never ending fear for the new life that you created.
When there are new siblinsg around the list gets even longer – mums gazing in awe how the two (or more) little people that have just met are starting to bond. First cuddles, kisses and sometimes confusion (as in 'who is he and what does his arrival mean to me?) are every siblings’ new reality. Parenting surely is exciting and no two days are the same.
But how much of that will you remember? How many of these precious moments will you have crealy carved into your heart and memory?
As a mum I can sadly say – probably not many. Your everyday life will be happening at a speed of light and you will be focussed so much on HERE and NOW that these 'I-will-never-ever-forget’ moments will slowly become the matter of the past.
Save them.
Take out your camera and capture the moment.Then print them and stick the photos in an album or into a frame. Go back every now and then, gaze over these photos and keep the memories as lively as they can be. But make sure you are in these memories too.
As a photo mum I am myself guilty of capturing my children’s best memories without me in the picture. I invested in a phone with the (allegedly) best camera to make sure my family’s memories are great quality. I encouraged my husband to do exactly the same so that he has the same tools to freeze out happy moments.
Your whole family in front of the camera
When I arrived at Hugo’s new home I knew that there would be other family members joing us for the photo shoot. And I couldn’t be happier to know that I was about to witness some totally unforgettable and priceless moments. I did not stage anything, I did not ask people to pretend that they were smiling, that they were over the moon with their new addition and that they loved each other. What you see in the images is complete and sheer truth.
A family comprised of gorgeous people (inside and outside), a new baby showered with love and emotions that are so real and precious.
Witnessing this makes me feel guilty sometimes. You wonder why? Because when I am around such people, documenting their happy life and freezing their memories it feels far too good to be called 'work’. Well, in fact it is no longer just work. It is my way of seeing, appreciating and capturing the beauty of life and capturing the moments that would otherwise be gone forever. I can’t belive how lucky I am in this regard.
Hugo. A tiny bundle of huge love
Welcome to the world Hugo. You are one lucky little man to be where you are, a part of this amazing family. Have the best life