I simply had to.
Over the years I have had my fingers itching to comment on posts or write something on my page but I withheld my thoughts. For fear of repecrussions and even more negativity coming my way I kept quiet and remained polite, professional and kept my thoughts to myself. But I think now when things are equallty bleak for majority of the society, it is only fair to stand up for all small business owners such as me – photographers, cake makers, make up artists, haidresssers or anyone else who exchanges their time and skill for money, aka working when they are being targeted.
Any small business (like a self employed person) is usually someone who one day decided to follow their dreams and make a living off utilising their talents and skills. Just like me. I am a qualified teacher and also a carers adviser and I spent many years training and working in these professions and at some point I decided to brave the new reality and start a business. Be my own boss and make a living of photographing people. But it required much more than courage – lenses, cameras, props, outfits for babies, trainings, website costs, insurance, taxes etc. They all came as part of the 'self employment’ package.
I have been a full time self employed photographer for 6 years now. My photography business is THE only job I have. I do not have any hustle options on the side. What I am left with after paying for rent, bills, insurance, products etc is my salary. And I don;t feel guilty or ashamed to say that I want it to be as high a possible as I am also a mum of 2, I also have a mortgage, a car, a phone, internet connection and my house also requires electricity, water and gas. Just like everyone else’s.
What can you say to me (or any other business owner) to upset, offend or simply disrespect us?
Here is the answer: When you are looking for a service provider recommendations, make sure you use the words 'reasonably priced’.
Thus implying that if anyone is outside of your budget that they are unreasonble. Or 'unreasonably priced’ (in other words: costing the arm and a leg or the earth).
Let’s start by defining 'unreasonable” Collings dictionary comes to the rescue with a simple explanation.
By looking for a 'reasonably priced photographer’ or another service provider, what you actually mean is someone ’within your budget’. Your budget is different from the next person’s. You may be willing to spend £50 on a photo shoot, others will want to spend £500 and there are lots of people who wouldn’t hesitate to spend £5000. Seriously!
I don’t call people skint, thrifty, stingy or poor simply because they can’t afford my services or because they have other priorities in life. It’s totally cool and I would never comment on anyone’s financial circumstances or make them feel bad because they can’t afford me. Why is it ok to comment on my pricing and suggest that I am being unreasonable, simply by charging what I believe my time, skills and knowledge are worth? Why is it acceptable to suggest another hard working person is evil, greedy or 'not guided by sound judgment’ simply by trying to make a living?
There are gazillions of things in this world that are either out of my budget or are not a priority for me. I don’t call Louis Vuitton unreasonable for charging £1k+ for a bag. Or Tesla for charging £50k minimum for a car. They are not for me and I don’t resent these brands simply because they are out of my budget. They came up with their pricing because they believe their products are worth that much and it’s ok. Why is it not ok (in some people’s minds) for me to set my pricing? Why is it unreasonable? Photography is a luxury service, your baby doesn’t need professional photographs in order to live and be happy. My services are for those people who value memories and can see the difference between a phone snap and a studio portrait. My services are not for everyone and I am totally happy about it. I am more than OK not being everyone’s cup of tea And I am ok charging what I do.
Advice / Suggestion / Polite request
If you didn’t realise how upsetting and offensive these words can be to business owners and you wish to approach this topic differently in the future here is my tip. Set a budget that you are prepared to spend and when looking for recommendations simply specify what you are willing to spend. I guarantee you will find someone willing to deliver a service within your budget.
But please don’t expect professional expert level of service at basic / entry level price. Don’t expect breathtaking wedding photos for £200.If you want someone with years of experience with top shelf gear to produce amazing shots, be prepared to spend thousands rather than hundreds.
Btw, nothing wrong with charging £200 for a wedding, I used to charge that when I was starting up. My prices reflected my level of knowledge, confidence and experience (very little to be precise). I actually did my very first wedding for free as I did not feel confident enough to charge. And I photographed my friend’s wedding when she didn’t plan to have a photographer at all so there was no pressure on me to meet any expectations. And it was fair on both of us.
The more skilled and experienced I got with time, the higher my prices got. Now I charge £1599 for a wedding because I feel this is a fair price for my skills and time and teh gear I carry with me.Simultaneously, the cost of living has gone up over the years and I needed to set my prices at a level that would make it viable.
I apologise
I realise my post can cause a whole load of reactions and you may label me big headed, arrogant or simply rude. If you feel this way after reading this post, it’s a shame but I’m sorry. I am simply standing up for myself and anyone else who has ever been made to feel 'unreasonable’ for wanting to make a living.
Once again, if I am outside of your budget it is ok to say so (over the years I have had enquiries from people who told me directly that I was outside of their budget. They didn’t call me greedy or unreasonable to my face, but instead realised I was not the right match for them and kept looking. And I never ever have taken offence in that.
Thank you
If you got that far and read my post, thank you. If you have booked a shoot with me – thank you even moreso. If you have friends who own small businesses and you have supported them over the years – thank you. On behalf of anyone who is living their dream and running a business – thank you for your custom. For allowing us to do what we love and our families to have food on the table.
It is as simple as that.
(I’m pasting a very old photo of mine. No particular reason for it just because each post requires some media ) And I wanted to show you a smiley face to prove I am not grumpy