The story of Baby Evelyn and her newborn photo shoot couldn’t be a better fit for my blog revival 
Since my camera was growing dust during the lockdown weeks, the same thing happened to my blog. I was as miserable as one can be when they can’t do what they love most, so spewing this gloom on you definitely wouldn’t be a good idea.
But April brought some new hope, new beginnings and new clients into my life so it feels right to show them off to you.
Baby Evelyn arrived when we were still in lockdown, so by the time I could get to see her, she had grown some cute chubby cheeks and was no longer a dinky newborn. It was so heart warming watching her loving parents showing her off to me. It felt like she had always been there, like they had always been a family of three, not a mere few weeks.
This must be one of the most awesome things I observe when I meet families with their newborns. After a few weeks they usually have so much to tell me about their new bundle of love. Parents know exactly what their babies like and dislike, if they like sleeping in this or that position, what helps them settle and what gets on their nerves. Isn’t that simply amazing?
But at the same time, every day with a new baby is like a new episode on Discovery Channel. Once you feel you know your baby, you have them figured out, they change. They show you new expressions, smile or laugh out loud or frown their forehead. It simply never stops.
Meeting you Evelyn and stepping into your family happy place was true joy for me. I wish you a beautiful happy life and many more beautiful memories.
Booking a newborn photo shoot
Doesn’t need to be scary. Just make a decision you want one and I’ll guide you through the next steps and take care of your memories.
Click here to request a call back