Ho Ho Ho! 'Tis the season to be jolly, right? Winter wedding is the answer to the call for celebrations.
I am so super excited to be sharing this beautiful wedding with you.
Amy and George’s wedding at the beginning of December surely was an intimate one – just a handful of closest relatives and radiant couple with their cute baby boy (whom I met a few months ago when he was celbrating his first birthday with me). I hope I am not revealing any secrets by saying that Amy and George are planning another wedding abroad and this ceremony that I had the pleasure of witnessing was the 'legal bit’ Still, it was really emotional and special in so many ways.
Just to name one of the special accents – the veil. It belonged to bride’s grandmother who wore it at her wedding over 60 years ago. Isn’t it absolutely amazing>? Especially that both grandma and grandad were present at the wedding and they are still happily married. Epic, right?
After the ceremony all the guests made their way to Winslade Park
on the outskirts of Exeter. What a beautiful venue to celebrate your nuptials, or simply have a bite or a cuppa. I keep dropping the name to my husband and hoping that he will get the hint and will take me for a date there or something
It was definitely one of my shorter weddings but regardless, it was full of joy, beautiful emotions, happy guests and memorable moments. The fact that it all happened in a festive atmosphere, with a gorgeous Christmas tree in the background and seasonal decorations made it even more special,
Here is a little snapshot of the day.
Thank you Amy and Goeorge for trusting me and inviting me to be a witness and part of your special day. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.