As a photographer I often meet clients who have toddlers and older babies and I have heard them saying a number of times how they wish they had booked a newborn photo shoot. Or they went with the cheapest available option, images were dissapointing and they have missed their opportunity for quality portraits. This is not a 100% rule but happens a lot when price is too good to be true. Low prices are usually offered by people just starting out their business adventure (which is not a criticism in the slightest, I was one of them too) who simply miss essential skills (which cost a lot of money to be acquired through proper training) or simply do it as a hobby (without regular business overheads). As long as you are happy with the portfolio and price, fair enough. Choose one that works for you
As I said, and I can’t stress it enough, this is not criticism. This is simply an observation and a reflection on my own journey when my photography skills were worth about £100 and that’s what I charged. I cringe looking back at the photos from 5 years ago at the same time feeling eternally grateful to these clients that decided to trust me. Honestly, hats off to you guys. If you didn’t believe in me then I wouldn’t be here now.
But back to the point. People choose to have professional newborn photos taken for a number of reasons but there is equally good number of reasons why people opt out. Today I would like to challenge them and maybe show you a different perspective and convince you to invest in what matters most – your family.
„I can take photos myself”
Of course you can and as a photographer I encourage you to do a lot of that. Record every little detail, every milestone, smiles, funny situations and important changes. But how about you? Will you be in the photos? Will your child have any beautiful images with you? Also, taking a photo is just one stage of image creation. Anyone with a camera (or a phone) can take one. But to turn it into something special takes skill, time, professional equipment and expertise. And that’s where you can leave it all out to professionals. They will do it for you, with YOU in the photos.
„Newborn photos are cheesy and will be outdated soon”
It is true that newborn photography is a relatively new trend and some may feel they will all be cringe-worthy in a few years’ time. However, Anne Geddes, the pioneer and absolute champion of newborn portraiture has been in business for over 30 years and her images are still universally acclaimed. I am sure you can quickly recognise at least some of her images (if you are a 'Friends’ fan like me you could have spotted baby in a pot in one of the episodes when Janine moved in with Joey). Check out her work – I bet you will say: 'Oh, yes. I recognise that’. Anne Geddes
However if baby in a tub, baby in a flower pot or baby wrapped up and posed in a drawer is not your thing it is still possible to please you. An alternative approach to newborn photography, so called Lifestyle Photography is a relaxed, minimally posed and natually light option where photographer comes to your home to capture your real life in a artistic beautiful way.
Some examples of my own work of that kind can be found here (Hugo and his home based photo shoot) here (Emily and Family), or here (Kasjusz) I guarantee these will never be cheesy, no matter what becomes fashionable in the next decade. Emotions are never out of fashion and that’s what these photographs are all about.
„It’s tiring for baby to be posed and can be dangerous”
Professional photographers trained in newborn safety will NEVER ever do anything to put baby at any kind of risk or discomfort because they know how to avoid that. By receiving specialist trainings photographers are taught how to work with baby’s fragile body, how to pose limbs safely, how to recognise warning signs that baby is unhappy and so on. Plus professional styled photo shoot takes about 3-4 hours becuase baby’s safety and comfort are everyone’s priorities. Breaks on demand for food, comfort, cuddles, nappy changing and so on make the photo shoot totally baby-led. If you are in a photo shoot and see the photographer insist on doing poses that make baby unhappy, well.. You better walk out.
As to dangers: I am a strong believer that anyone who decides to advertise themselves as a newborn photographer takes on huge responsibility on themselves. If they are trained and they know what they are doing the risk of harm is practically zero. However, if they are a camera owner who likes photographing babies without specialist training, that’s where the risk increases.
„It’s expensive”
My top package with all digitals, prints, wall art credit and money off next photo shoot is £400. There are always cheaper and more expensive options around too.
£400 is more or less 10 hair cuts (that’s how much my hairdresser charges), about 15 nail styling sessions (done every 4 weeks), about 7 family eats out in a restaurant (or less, depending on the restaurant), 8-10 clothing items or maybe 6 bottles of brand perfumes. All these things last a day, a few days or weeks. They make you feel good and are definitely worth spending on, at least that’s what makes me feel good. I am sure you too have things that are your mood boosting investments and you don’t spare on them. Well done, keep on doing that.
The images that you receive are not just for you or for now. They are for your baby, for your family, for your future self. It’s an investment that will pay off in the future. Trust me, it will. One day you will thank yourself for doing that.
„I don’t have time to do that”
I have a friend who has triplets and she is the most organised, relaxed and fulfilled mum I have ever met. She works, she goes out, she spends time with friends, has hair and nails done. She CAN do it and so CAN you. Once you secure the booking and know it’s done you don’t need to worry about it any more. If you opted for a studio shoot, it will take about 4 hours in the first few weeks on your baby’s life when all you actually do it recover and take it easy. Or if 4 hours is still too much, let me come to you for an hour or so. You won’t even need to step out of your life and do anything special. I will just photograph you and your baby in the most natural, yet beautiful and emotive way.
„I don’t want strangers handling my new baby”
That’s the one I can personally relate too the most. After all you are a vulnerable new parent with a teeny fragile human being in your arms. You have been waiting for so long to eventually hold them so giving them away for a stranger to handle is a big big step. I get that and I can totally feel your concern. If you would like to meet me before we schedule the photo shoot – no problems. You can check me out, talk to me, ask me questions. Anything to put your mind at ease.
„I am not photogenic and look bad in the photos”
Is the line I hear almost every single time. Mums are self conscious of their post partum body, additionally tested by countless night feeds. Dads feel it’s not manly enough to enjoy being photographed or are simply not big fans of photography. Seriously people, I hear you and I can instantly sense and appreciate your resentment. And for that I have 2 things to say to you: I am an expert, I have the knowledge and skills to make sure you are posed in a way that makes you look your best and I will do anhything I can to make you look at the photos and feel happy. Again, I appreciate how self-critical we often are and fail to see the beauty in ourselves however the best way to overcome this is to remember that these images are for the future. For the baby that will look at them and will see nothing but gorgeous loving parents. My mum and dad didn’t maybe look their best when I was photographed with them as a baby but I have their photo proudly framed and displayed in my home. Now, when my dad is gone and photographs are all I have – all I see is love and happiness. Nothing else.
„I am on maternity leave and money is tight”
Majority of my newborn clients are on maternity leave because they have just had a baby. I totally appreciate and understand that money can be tight at times,especially with a new baby coming that’s why I offer payment plans to help with budgeting without missing out on this opportunit. Session fee (deposit) is paid at the time of booking which can be months in advance, and after the photo shoot remainder can be split into 3 monthly payments (50%, 25% and 25%). I know it has helped some of my clients in the past and you are also welcome to use this option.
„I have just had a baby, am in pain and can’t really go out”
You don’t need to. Lifestyle photography again is a great solution for anyone wanting to stay in their safe comfy place. You can be on your omfy sofa or in your bed and I will photograph you in the most flattering way without you needing to leave home. Win win.
„My older child didn’t have any professional newborn photos taken so I want to be fair”
As a parent of more than one child you will soon become obsessed with fairness and making sure none of the children are left our or treated less favourably. When you welcome your second (or third etc) child, your whole family will be invited to be in the photos to mark this special milestone. It doesn’t even need to be called 'newborn photoshoot’. We can call it family photo shoot and give everyone fair amount of camera time to make up to anyone that has missed out previously.
„I don’t know any good photographers and none of my friends can recommend one”
Google. Honestly, just google 'professional newborn photographers near me’ or something along these lines. You may feel overwhelemed at first as there will be probably many photographers with varying styles, experience and pricing. Some time ago I wrote a blog post how to select the best photographer for your baby, matching your taste, budget and expectations. Check it out here It doesn’t need to be me. Choose someone who ticks all your boxes and be happy with your choice
I love the saying about pessimists who always have a problem for every solution. I love to think of myself as an optimist, always looking for solutions. So if you have been sitting on the fence about investing in your baby’s professional imagery hopefully I have got you closer to making the decision.
If there is anything else you feel is a legitimate reason NOT to have a newborn photo shoot, please let me know and I will try to help.